You could be driving along a country road or a highway when a stone kicks up and hits your windshield. If you're lucky, it will bounce off the glass without any damage. If you're not, it may cause a small star-shaped crack or circular chip in the glass.
If you find a chip or a crack smaller than a quarter, there's a good chance your windshield can be repaired—at no cost to you. Why repair your windshield rather than replace it? Here are a few benefits to consider:
• A safe, quality repair won't cost you a penny. Your California Auto Insurance company will waive your deductible when a windshield is repaired vs. replaced.
• A repair can usually be performed at your home, your office or anywhere you might travel – typically in less than 30 minutes.
• Repairs improve safety by helping to restore the structural integrity of your vehicle.
• Repairs are environmentally friendly. Windshields are difficult to recycle due to the laminate layer between the two pieces of glass. Choosing the repair option helps keep windshields out of landfills.
If your windshield is damaged, contact your insurance company as soon as possible and report the damage before it grows worse. This ensures the best chance that a repair will be possible. Your insurance company will either arrange a repair for you, or you can select your own repair shop and they can help arrange service.
It's nice to know that your insurance carrier can be there when you need them the most. You don't have to be involved in an accident to get a helping hand from your carrier. Make sure you review your insurance coverage and consult with your broker; in the most stressful situations your insurance coverage can save you a lot of hassle.
Have you thought about what you would do if you just shut and locked your car door, and there are your keys …still sitting in the ignition? Or, you're on your way to work and you get a flat tire.
The good news is, help is just a phone call away because you can get roadside assistance with your California Auto Insurance policy and call for help when you find yourself in this situation. When you have Towing & Labor Coverage under your policy, there is no charge for normal emergency services. You would pay only those charges that are above your towing and labor limits.
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